Source code for kapre.backend

"""Backend operations of Kapre.

This module summarizes operations and functions that are used in Kapre layers.

    _CH_FIRST_STR (str): 'channels_first', a pre-defined string.
    _CH_LAST_STR (str): 'channels_last', a pre-defined string.
    _CH_DEFAULT_STR (str): 'default', a pre-defined string.

from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import librosa

_CH_FIRST_STR = 'channels_first'
_CH_LAST_STR = 'channels_last'
_CH_DEFAULT_STR = 'default'

[docs]def get_window_fn(window_name=None): """Return a window function given its name. This function is used inside layers such as `STFT` to get a window function. Args: window_name (None or str): name of window function. On Tensorflow 2.3, there are five windows available in `tf.signal` (`hamming_window`, `hann_window`, `kaiser_bessel_derived_window`, `kaiser_window`, `vorbis_window`). """ if window_name is None: return tf.signal.hann_window available_windows = { 'hamming_window': tf.signal.hamming_window, 'hann_window': tf.signal.hann_window, } if hasattr(tf.signal, 'kaiser_bessel_derived_window'): available_windows['kaiser_bessel_derived_window'] = tf.signal.kaiser_bessel_derived_window if hasattr(tf.signal, 'kaiser_window'): available_windows['kaiser_window'] = tf.signal.kaiser_window if hasattr(tf.signal, 'vorbis_window'): available_windows['vorbis_window'] = tf.signal.vorbis_window if window_name not in available_windows: raise NotImplementedError( 'Window name %s is not supported now. Currently, %d windows are' 'supported - %s' % ( window_name, len(available_windows), ', '.join([k for k in available_windows.keys()]), ) ) return available_windows[window_name]
[docs]def validate_data_format_str(data_format): """A function that validates the data format string.""" if data_format not in (_CH_DEFAULT_STR, _CH_FIRST_STR, _CH_LAST_STR): raise ValueError( 'data_format should be one of {}'.format( str([_CH_FIRST_STR, _CH_LAST_STR, _CH_DEFAULT_STR]) ) + ' but we received {}'.format(data_format) )
[docs]def magnitude_to_decibel(x, ref_value=1.0, amin=1e-5, dynamic_range=80.0): """A function that converts magnitude to decibel scaling. In essence, it runs `10 * log10(x)`, but with some other utility operations. Similar to `librosa.power_to_db` with `ref=1.0` and `top_db=dynamic_range` Args: x (`Tensor`): float tensor. Can be batch or not. Something like magnitude of STFT. ref_value (`float`): an input value that would become 0 dB in the result. For spectrogram magnitudes, ref_value=1.0 usually make the decibel-scaled output to be around zero if the input audio was in [-1, 1]. amin (`float`): the noise floor of the input. An input that is smaller than `amin`, it's converted to `amin`. dynamic_range (`float`): range of the resulting value. E.g., if the maximum magnitude is 30 dB, the noise floor of the output would become (30 - dynamic_range) dB Returns: log_spec (`Tensor`): a decibel-scaled version of `x`. Note: In many deep learning based application, the input spectrogram magnitudes (e.g., abs(STFT)) are decibel-scaled (=logarithmically mapped) for a better performance. Example: :: input_shape = (2048, 1) # mono signal model = Sequential() model.add(kapre.Frame(frame_length=1024, hop_length=512, input_shape=input_shape)) # now the shape is (batch, n_frame=3, frame_length=1024, ch=1) """ def _log10(x): return tf.math.log(x) / tf.math.log(tf.constant(10, dtype=x.dtype)) if K.ndim(x) > 1: # we assume x is batch in this case max_axis = tuple(range(K.ndim(x))[1:]) else: max_axis = None if amin is None: amin = 1e-5 amin = tf.cast(amin, dtype=x.dtype) log_spec = 10.0 * _log10(tf.math.maximum(x, amin)) log_spec = log_spec - 10.0 * _log10(tf.math.maximum(amin, ref_value)) log_spec = tf.math.maximum( log_spec, tf.math.reduce_max(log_spec, axis=max_axis, keepdims=True) - dynamic_range ) return log_spec
[docs]def filterbank_mel( sample_rate, n_freq, n_mels=128, f_min=0.0, f_max=None, htk=False, norm='slaney' ): """A wrapper for librosa.filters.mel that additionally does transpose and tensor conversion Args: sample_rate (`int`): sample rate of the input audio n_freq (`int`): number of frequency bins in the input STFT magnitude. n_mels (`int`): the number of mel bands f_min (`float`): lowest frequency that is going to be included in the mel filterbank (Hertz) f_max (`float`): highest frequency that is going to be included in the mel filterbank (Hertz) htk (bool): whether to use `htk` formula or not norm: The default, 'slaney', would normalize the the mel weights by the width of the mel band. Returns: (`Tensor`): mel filterbanks. Shape=`(n_freq, n_mels)` """ filterbank = librosa.filters.mel( sr=sample_rate, n_fft=(n_freq - 1) * 2, n_mels=n_mels, fmin=f_min, fmax=f_max, htk=htk, norm=norm, ).astype(K.floatx()) return tf.convert_to_tensor(filterbank.T)
[docs]def filterbank_log(sample_rate, n_freq, n_bins=84, bins_per_octave=12, f_min=None, spread=0.125): """A function that returns a approximation of constant-Q filter banks for a fixed-window STFT. Each filter is a log-normal window centered at the corresponding frequency. Args: sample_rate (`int`): audio sampling rate n_freq (`int`): number of the input frequency bins. E.g., `n_fft / 2 + 1` n_bins (`int`): number of the resulting log-frequency bins. Defaults to 84 (7 octaves). bins_per_octave (`int`): number of bins per octave. Defaults to 12 (semitones). f_min (`float`): lowest frequency that is going to be included in the log filterbank. Defaults to `C1 ~= 32.70` spread (`float`): spread of each filter, as a fraction of a bin. Returns: (`Tensor`): log-frequency filterbanks. Shape=`(n_freq, n_bins)` Note: The code is originally from `logfrequency` in librosa 0.4 (deprecated) and copy-and-pasted. `tuning` parameter was removed and we use `n_freq` instead of `n_fft`. """ if f_min is None: f_min = 32.70319566 f_max = f_min * 2 ** (n_bins / bins_per_octave) if f_max > sample_rate // 2: raise RuntimeError( 'Maximum frequency of log filterbank should be lower or equal to the maximum' 'frequency of the input (defined by its sample rate), ' 'but f_max=%f and maximum frequency is %f. \n' 'Fix it by reducing n_bins, increasing bins_per_octave and/or reducing f_min.\n' 'You can also do it by increasing sample_rate but it means you need to upsample' 'the input audio data, too.' % (f_max, sample_rate) ) # What's the shape parameter for our log-normal filters? sigma = float(spread) / bins_per_octave # Construct the output matrix basis = np.zeros((n_bins, n_freq)) # Get log frequencies of bins log_freqs = np.log2(librosa.fft_frequencies(sample_rate, (n_freq - 1) * 2)[1:]) for i in range(n_bins): # What's the center (median) frequency of this filter? c_freq = f_min * (2.0 ** (float(i) / bins_per_octave)) # Place a log-normal window around c_freq basis[i, 1:] = np.exp( -0.5 * ((log_freqs - np.log2(c_freq)) / sigma) ** 2 - np.log2(sigma) - log_freqs ) # Normalize the filters basis = librosa.util.normalize(basis, norm=1, axis=1) basis = basis.astype(K.floatx()) return tf.convert_to_tensor(basis.T)
[docs]def mu_law_encoding(signal, quantization_channels): """Encode signal based on mu-law companding. Also called mu-law compressing. This algorithm assumes the signal has been scaled to between -1 and 1 and returns a signal encoded with values from 0 to quantization_channels - 1. See `Wikipedia <Μ-law_algorithm>`_ for more details. Args: signal (float `Tensor`): audio signal to encode quantization_channels (positive int): Number of channels. For 8-bit encoding, use 256. Returns: signal_mu (int `Tensor`): mu-encoded signal """ mu = quantization_channels - 1.0 signal_mu = tf.math.sign(signal) * tf.math.log1p(mu * tf.math.abs(signal)) / tf.math.log1p(mu) signal_mu = tf.cast(((signal_mu + 1) / 2.0 * mu + 0.5), tf.int32) return signal_mu
[docs]def mu_law_decoding(signal_mu, quantization_channels): """Decode mu-law encoded signals based on mu-law companding. Also called mu-law expanding. See `Wikipedia <Μ-law_algorithm>`_ for more details. Args: signal_mu (int `Tensor`): mu-encoded signal to decode quantization_channels (positive int): Number of channels. For 8-bit encoding, use 256. Returns: signal (float `Tensor`): decoded audio signal """ mu = quantization_channels - 1.0 signal_mu = K.cast_to_floatx(signal_mu) signal = (signal_mu / mu) * 2 - 1.0 signal = ( tf.math.sign(signal) * (tf.math.exp(tf.math.abs(signal) * tf.math.log1p(mu)) - 1.0) / mu ) return signal